Kamis, 02 September 2010

3844968528983080848.jpgWater is very important for the human body. Water is not only the important material element to ensure the proper functioning of the human body function, or a good helper of skin care. However, if you want to drink out of beautiful, you have to drink with the right way.

Water is the best medicine?

Water is the best medicine, F. batman-belt-buckle/' target='_blank' class='infotextkey'>Batman, a well-known MD, exposed it in his book. Well, as long as more water will be able to let you make the facial appearance , and health all the time? Things do not as simple as that. Do not pick the time to drink, do not care about the content to drink … …

Once you have caught the errors in these drinking water, water not only can not be a tonic, and may even turned to poison!

The water accounted for about 70% in the human body, so long as lacked a little, it would cause the bad influence to the human body function. Grants our health panacea regarding the nature, certainly could not limit merely drinks enough water, if you enjoyed it by the following wrong way, similarly was disadvantageous to the health.

Drink water more is better?

To be beautiful and be healthy, drink water more is better.

Water is essential for the beauty, the skin smooth and full of moisture can not be separated from the water. But for a woman, is not drinks more better, 8 glasses of water per day is sufficient to meet the needs of the body. In addition to the 8 glasses of water, through food we can add a large number of moisture, there is no need to force yourself to drink a lot, or else extremes meet, will increase the burden on the kidneys.


In the morning drinks cup of pale salt water expulsion of toxin?

After gets out of bed in the morning, drinks a cup of pale salt water promotion body expulsion of toxin.

Sleep in the night did not drink water, but breathing, perspiration, urinary still in progress, the loss of physiological activity to a number of water consumption, drinking salt water will add to hyperosmolar dehydration, dry the mouth more. And the morning is the highest human blood viscosity time, drinking salt water will make blood pressure higher . Especially,the people in poor cardiac function or has high blood pressure are not appropriate to drink pale salt water in the morning. Experts recommend that the pale salt water suits after movement or the big perspiration drinks, to supplement the water and sodium loss of body .


Water is no need to be divided into acidic and alkaline?

Clean water is good water, no need to be divided into acidic and alkaline?

Due to the acidity of our food intake too much, so much more than the acidity of the body alkaline. Therefore, in order to health, only a natural weak alkaline water is more suited to our long-term consumption. So, how do we know which are useful to human alkaline water? Attention to the brand value of water will be marked in bottles affixed, at the time of purchase, look at the labels on the know.

Because we take in acidic food are excessively many, makes in vivo the acidity to be more than the alkalinity greatly. Therefore, for health, only a natural weak alkaline water suits us to drink for a long time. Then, how do we know that which weak basicity water is useful to the human body? Attention to the brand value of water will be marked in bottles affixed, when purchase, had a look at the label to know.


Men can drink water less?

The woman drinks more water can raise the face, men can drink water less.

From the health angle, the men needs to drink water much. The American scholars discovered through the massive research that drinks water may prevent the urinary concretion and the carcinoma of urinary bladder. And in these two kind of disease’s sick population, the male occupy approximately 3/4. In brief, one day drinks water is more than 4 cups of men compared to drink the risk which 1 cup or the less water’s male develops cancer to reduce 32%. In addition, even if the gentleman and woman drinks similarly many water, the gentleman also easy to dehydrate, because their active mass is big, likes perspiring, changes the disappearing moisture content compared to woman.

All in all, men drink more than 4 cups of water one day than men to drink 1 cup of water or less, the risk of cancer reduce 32%. In addition, even if as the same amount of water as women to drink, men are also vulnerable to dehydration, because they are active, and love sweating, loss of water more than the women.


Drink plenty of water will lead to fat?

Drink plenty of water will lead to obesity.

Said that only drinks water also puts on weight certainly is because other diets take in the quantity of heat must be more than own consumption, but the people will usually forget or simply are not willing to remember. The scientific research indicated that 1 hour before meals drink several potable waters, the quantity which each time drinks must be few, the ideal way is one 250 milliliters, more than ten minutes one time. The empty stomach drinks the water pauses only then several minutes in the stomach, enters the small intestine very quickly, is absorbed into the blood, about 1 hour may supplement that for whole body’s Cell tissue, may help the people to control the appetite, prevents overeating which eats, is advantageous in loses weight.


Not thirsty does not need to drink water?

Thirsty expression body water scarcity, not thirsty does not need to drink.

The desire of people to drink water is more less to eat. When you feel thirsty, you are a step by step towards the edge of dehydration, the body has lost a lot of water, even at this time made up the water, your body is prone to lack of concentration, excitability, fatigue, or headache symptoms, so drink plenty of water should also pay attention. You may act according to your urine’s color to determine whether to adjust the volume of water. Generally speaking, if the urine color is the deep yellow, it meats that you need to supplement some water much.


Pure water is good for the body?

The pure water eliminated the impurity, drinks for a long time is good for the body.

Natural water after distillation, filtration and treatment, although the removal of impurities, bacteria and other harmful substances, but also useful to remove trace elements in the human body, long-term drinking of purified water will also increase calcium loss. In addition, since the human body is a weakly alkaline body fluids, and purified water was subacidity, if drinks the subacidity for a long time water, the milieu intericur will be destructed, will reduce the human body immunity, will accelerate the human body to get older. Experts remind that for pure water as a drinking water supplement, but not suitable for long-term consumption.


Coffee and tea have the effect of water?

Drink more coffee, tea and drinks, also can have the effect of water!

Coffee and tea have a diuretic effect, excessive drinking will lead to excessive urination and water loss of the human body. In other words, drinking a cup of coffee you need to fill two glasses of water, a cup of coffee consumption in order to fill the water back; cola and other soft drinks and carbonated drinks contain citric acid in the majority, in the metabolism will speed up the excretion of calcium and lower blood calcium content, the body will lead to long-term consumption of calcium to induce osteoporosis.

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